A place to talk and find out about opportunities in the global business marketplace.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

22 January 2005---My business---Invitation to Trinity Trading Imports website.

I have been looking at the different e-mail stories, and news stories on all sorts of different online news services. It's been a slow day, but actually, that's ok. My wife and I have spent a lot of time just working. I'm trying to build a new business, actually we've been working on it for over a year. I've told you about it before, it's the business selling for non-U.S. companies on the Internet. It's a lot of Chinese furniture, and while you may not be able to afford it, maybe you know someone who can, and who would love to buy some of these great products. At any rate, check it out.

Here's the website:

If you look at it, and you want to contact me, just send an email to this address:


I have to go to this business conference with Gail tomorrow, not fun. But Gail being with me is. Besides we may get a chance to raise some venture capital for our businesses from this conference. I'll be praying for help on that. Well, got to go. It's almost 3 a.m. There will be more to say tomorrow, I hope. Adios for now. Let me know how you're doing. We love to chat, or write messages to friends all the time. God bless.

---Floyd F.


Friday, January 21, 2005

21 January 2005---Honoring Parents' 50th, President Bush.

Ok, here I am at 4:15 in the morning. I had to do a serious amount of editing of another article I am enclosing. I am so glad that is done. At any rate, I just want to give some serious honor toward three people who dearly deserve it.

First, I want to be one of those who doesn't hold back his praise for U.S. President George W. Bush. Most of the world thinks he is some kind of war criminal, or at least that he's arrogant and dishonest. He is none of those things. If you want to get at what is in the heart of a true American president, we all got it yesterday, in President Bush's 2nd Inaugural Address. He envisions a world in freedom. Not a world all like America, just a world that is free. I'm leaving the link to his speech here, I won't try to analyze the speech point by point. But one thing you have to say, like him or dislike him, you can't say he is some kind of Hitler. We are about to prove Bush's sincerity by making sure that the second nation in the Islamic Middle East in three months is about to have a democratic election.

I remember that some criticized the President for imposing democracy on Iraq and wanting to impose it on other dictatorships. The criticism I heard from a couple of contacts on my Orkut network was to the effect that imposing democracy was antidemocratic, and therefore immoral. They felt that, because they believe in moral relativism, with no such thing as absolute truth, that any system of government is as good as another, whether tyranny or democracy. Well, I have to ask, "Who are we imposing democracy upon? "Is it upon the tens of millions who couldn't wait to be able to elect their own leaders? Or is it imposing democracy on the bullying monsters like Saddam Hussein who thought that power was his by right?" Well, it is self-evident that someone would rather be free than to be under someone's bondage.

Well, I'll settle with being narrow-minded, simplistic, religious in the extreme, in love with the USA the "hyperpower." I'm not actually religious, but on the rest, yes, I'm guilty! I'll take George Bush. All I can say is, come back in four years. Let me know if George Bush was wrong about it, tell me about arrogance, and the limits in America's power.

I'll chat with you soon, I hope. Here's the link to President Bush's speech yesterday, which I consider equal to one of President Reagan's speeches, the one that led to the fall of Communism.


I enjoy hearing other people's point of view, and you can tell me how much you disagree, if you want, but take the time to read the speech, then talk to me. Anyway, hope you and yours are ok. God bless. See you later---hasta luego.

Oh, but wait... The real heroes that I want to praise these days, however, are my Mom & Dad. Last Saturday, in Port Arthur, Texas, USA, they crossed 50 years of marriage---Their Golden Wedding Anniversary! You have to understand, these two guys were no angels, they screwed up their share of times. But they went from terrible poverty to great success, and did it with character, and raised five children in the process. Not to mention having a big hand in helping the raising of a cool two dozen grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. It has to be said, Kudos, you guys! Big time! I'll talk about that more next time. Out of time. God bless for now. Adios.

---Floyd F.


21 January 2005----A Tsunami Story.

Hi. I hope that your day is going well. I was just surfing through all the messages I was getting on Multiply, when I got one from the friend of one of my close contacts in my network on my blog. I have been hugely mad about what seemed to be a pitifully small response by the world community in the beginning for the helpless victims of the tsunami and earthquake catastrophe in the Indian Ocean area.

I am not going to go into the justice of how impoverished these people are, are the role of political corruption by their own governments or how their own cultures keep the people in that part of the world in deep poverty, or about the role of neglect by wealthy nations, or the harmful side effects that may occur as a result of globalization or trade protectionism. I'm going to even not talk about the issue of where God was when all these people were slaughtered, their homes, villages, even their whole livelihoods were destroyed, or when the orphan children of the disaster have been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. That is for another time.

What I am going to do is pass along to you a story that, thankfully, was representative of more people than anyone can imagine. The point of the story is that God was not absent at all, and for more people than you may imagine. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's The Sun Times had an astounding account of two sisters, who were businesswomen on a vacation/holiday trip to Patong Beach on Phuket Island, Thailand on the day of the tsunami. Rather than relate the story, I'll just download their own account of their experience. One thing about it, the way God caused them to be able to hear his voice enabling them to survive a direct strike by the tsunami is something very controversial. However, I think that you will have to come away with questions about the supernatural that you may never have thought about before. So, here is the story, with the link to the The Sun Times included.


Friends, this is one story of two survivors of the tsunami tragedy. Read on and be blessed!You can read more about Chung Eng Lee and her sister June's account inthe Sun Daily online at http://www.thesundaily.com/article.cfm?id=6729

Jesus Saved Our Life - Testimony of Two Malaysian Sisters

It is definitely a blessing from the Lord that I could still writethis e-mail and wish you all A Happy New Year. It has been almost 13 days since the bad episode that almost took my life. Ever since I returned, and since The Sun newspaper carried the news of our survival, I have been getting calls and sms wishing for my speedy recovery. I have to admit that I have not been responding to any calls as I was/am still recovering. Most of all, I personally want to thank all of you for your encouragement. The whole experience has been shocking, but if anything good that has come out of it, is that my personal faith, walking with the Lord has definitely soared higher, and that He has spared my life to live again. I am better; my injuries are nothing, just some cuts and bruises on my head and leg through broken glasses and the knock against the glass door.

Unfortunately others have not been so blessed. The pictures in papers and on TV gave a clearer picture of the death and destruction ~indeed all of it was not a movie, but it was the actual scene whichtook much life away.....Therefore, to those who have been contacting me, I am taking this opportunity to write and tell you my experience. You will also hear mementioning about Jesus, and how miraculously HE saved me and my sister from death. Please note that this is my personal experience which I have encountered during the tragedy. All glory to Jesus.

25TH DECEMBER 2004- 8:00 p.m...
The night before the incident, around 8:00 p.m., both my sister and I were walking down the streets in Phuket, Thailand. I had this sudden urge to sing a Christian worship song which I have not sung for a long, long time. So, as I was walking I sang the chorus over and over again. During our walk, my heart felt uneasy. I told my sister of my uneasiness ~ and she asked me to pray in tongues to the Lord. I did understand how merciful God is, because HE tried to prepare/warn me about the tragedy. The song is entitled "STILL."


26TH DECEMBER 6:00 AM...We were supposed to check out from one hotel and check in to another at 12:00pm on 26th December 2004. There was no reason for us to wakeup so early since it was our much deserved holiday, but on that 26th December at 6:00a.m. both my sister and I (who were sleeping on separate beds) felt as though someone was waking us up. I thought my sister woke me up to pray, as she normally would, but I thought, "can't be" as it was still so early. Little that I know, she felt it, too, and she had the same thought. I then opened my eyes and looked at her, and realized that it was not our own doing. We were not scared, and concluded that the Lord wanted us to wake up to pray. So we did just that, and later checked out way ahead of time.

26th DECEMBER 2004 9:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m....We dragged our luggage and walked along the street towards the hotel. We arrived at the next hotel around 9:45 a.m. As soon as we handed ourcheck-in slip to the receptionist, we saw people were running frantically away from the beach towards the hotel. The moment we turned our head and look in front, we saw a huge big 30ft high wave come crushing through the glass door of the reception. It was so scary, as the height of the wave covered the blue sky, the whole area was darkened.

We were inside the reception area - there was no place to run as the wave crashed mercilessly towards the glass door. We could hear loud noises from the shattered glass, and in a split second the reception area was filled with the sea water. The water rose to our necks and we were swept against another glass door. The glass door", is just that; second the reception area was filled with the sea water. The water rose to our necks and we were swept against another glass door. We were clinging onto each other, the water swept through us and we went under the water. My mind went blank; I gulped some sea water - that was all I could remember. Somehow, somewhere in the middle of it, as everything happened so fast, we managed to cling onto a wooden pillar. At that precise moment, all we could do was to just pray. I left everything on earth at that point in time, my family, my loved ones, my business, my friends, everything... There was nothing or no one I could cry to, except to GOD ~ and I did just that. I took out all the knowledge that I learned during my Bible Class called Deeper Life Seminar conducted by Pastor Vernon Falls. I remembered that he always told us to pray in tongues even more when are in trouble. That was the only knowledge that I had and could use then.

We were looking at the disaster, trying to comprehend, but it was chaos. Cars were crashing through the building, gas tanks were leaking, roofs were tumbling down, people were screaming. We knew dead bodies were everywhere. All I did was pray and pray, and all I knew was to hold my sister tightly to me so that we will not be separated by the strong wave. Approximately seven minutes later, the second, much stronger wave came and swept us again. I am really amazed that I didn't cry, nor had any panic attacks at the time. I still knew what to do.

In fact, there was this Thai lady who was clinging onto my sister so hard because she could not swim. She was screaming away. In times like that, I don't know how I can still think. I raised my voice at the Thai lady, so that she could hear me and asked her to stop screaming and not to panic. I told her to calm down and just pray. I saw how she held on to my sister, and I was worried for my sister in case her weight might have pushed my sister under the water. So I said, "Don't scream, don't panic, and don't hold her so tight. It is okay, everything is going to be fine."

All I did was pray and pray, and all I knew was to hold my sister tightly to me so that we will not be separated by the strong wave. Approximately seven minutes later, the second, much stronger wave came and swept us again. I am really amazed that I didn't cry, nor had any panic attacks at the time. I still knew what to do. In fact, there was this Thai lady who was clinging onto my sister so hard because she could not swim. She was screaming away. In times like that, I don't know how I can still think. I raised my voice at the Thai lady, so that she could hear me and asked her to stop screaming ~ and not to panic. I told her to calm down and just pray. I saw how she held on to my sister, and I was worried for my sister in case her weight might have pushed my sister under the water. So I said, "Don't scream, don't panic, and don't hold her so tight. It is okay, everything is going to be fine."

My sister has always been very strong in her devotion with the Lord. She knew that she had to save the Thai lady by asking her to accept the Lord as her Saviour. I know you will think it is crazy to do so in times like that, but in Christianity, we believe that eternal life begins when you receive Jesus and we believe that when you accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you automatically go to heaven. And because of that, my sister knew our situation then was life and death and that she felt that if anything should happen to the Thai lady, at least she will end up in heaven. It was really amazing in a crisis like that, that my sister could lead the Thai lady into prayer to accept Christ. The Thai lady accepted Christ there and then, and she joined us to pray loudly crying out to the Lord, commanding the seawater to calm down and stop the wave from coming, in Jesus name!" Our prayer felt stronger when the three of us prayed in agreement.

After the second wave, we took the risk to swim across to a staircase. When I was up at the balcony, the whole disaster hit me, only then I started to cry, and the fear was overwhelming. There were about 20 foreigners at the balcony ~ everyone was in shock, people were crying,and blood was everywhere. My sister only suffered some bruises, whileI had a deep cut on both my feet. It was painful, but the shock was unbearable. I could not take my eyes away from the sea, worried that the third wave will attack us again. At the balcony I was still holding on to a pole, while my sister went around praying for others, telling them that Jesus will keep us safe from harm. I knew she meant well, she didn't care about her own safety. She knew if anything happened to us we will go to heaven ~ BUT she was more concerned for the others. She also wanted them to go to heaven. She kept telling them about Jesus and she prayed for all of them.

When she prayed in Jesus' Name, some appreciated her and accepted Christ there and then, while others was calmer after the prayer. She didn't allow me to cry, and she told me to keep praying in tongues and worshipping the Lord, and I did nothing but just that. Later when she was next to me, I then asked my sister in my choking voice, "CanI sing a worship song?" She looked at me helplessly and said, "ok, you sing to the Lord"

...Tears kept flowing down my cheeks. I sang, "When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm; Father, You are King over the flood, I will be still and know you are God." Right after I sang that song, my sister looked at me and quickly said "That's right!! That is what God is trying to tell us. He is the King over the flood and He is asking us to be still and know that He is GOD ~ and He will oversee the whole situation." June continued saying, "God was trying to prepare us before the tragedy; that is why He gave you the song to sing last night, and that is why He woke us up earlier this morning, so that we could leave the room. If not we would have been trapped." I listened attentively, nodded my head, still crying and agreed that everything she said made sense. The sudden feeling of God's presence and His greatest love just flowed in my heart and immediately I had peace. And fear just left me. I felt the Lord was telling me, "Don't worry, everything is going to be over and the wave will not come near you anymore." True enough, there was no third wave. The sea water subsided, the rescue team began to search and rescued all of us.The ambulance took me to the nearby hospital as I was badly cut and could not walk. There were neither aftershock nor a third tidal wave, but the town was in chaos. The hospital that we were at, was in chaos condition. They could not treat me, but only offered me a bandage.

As we were walking to look for a shop, my sister realized I could not walk and I was still bleeding due to the deep cuts. She asked me to wait for her, while she proceeded to look for a shop to get me a pair of sandals. While waiting for her, people were again seen running towards me. The police were making some announcement in their local language. I could not understand. I thought I lost my sister, but thank God she came out looking for me, and we found each other in the midst of people running for their lives. We asked one of the locals, and we were told to run to the mountain as there could be an "after shock" and the possibility of a greater damage. I felt the tense again. We walked as fast we could, but we have no idea where to. Later, we stop a van and the driver dropped us near a hill top. We reached the mountain and we saw a bungalow belonging to a local. There were many foreigners seated along the road side. My sister told me to find a quiet place so that we could pray. We found this little corner at the side of the bungalow.We sat down and started to pray. The place we were resting overlooked the sea. I hated the sea then. I never thought such a beautiful and peaceful place could turn out to be so ugly, so fierce, and so merciless. I was angry at the sea~ deep in me I knew it was thedevil's work. The devil chooses the holiday season to kill much innocent life. I just could not leave my eyes from looking at the sea, crying and praying at the same time. I was feeling very insecure and was worried of another attack. About 30 minutes later, the owner of the house came out and asked us if we wanted a drink. I knew we looked miserable and dirty in our wet shorts and t-shirts, dirty sand on our hair. We looked and felt like a refugee. At that instant I really knew how it feels to be one.

My sister had earlier said to me, "Should we need to notify anyone, we could call our Pastor, and we agreed. We both walked towards the house entrance and asked the owner's permission to use their phone. We were blessed that we still had our passports and money, as we had stuffed those in a waist pouch. We knew that we could pay the owner onthe telephone charges made by us. I believe it was the favour from the Lord that the local owner not only allowed us to use their phone, they even offered us to take a rest in their place. They told us to shower, provided us with dry clothes, gave us food to eat, provided us with new blankets, and even gave us a mattress and pillow so we could be more comfortable. We were the only two among the many foreigners that were given such treatment by that owner. The rest of the victims were left waiting and camping along the roadside.

The two hours after shock never came and time passed. We were still waiting. It was already 6:00 p.m. The locals told us that the airportis opened. My sister was feeling uneasy; she felt that we should leave the island. But we wanted to hear from the Lord. We knew God can give us instruction. So we prayed in agreement and prayed in tongues. Again I felt the Lord was saying something to me. I felt that the Lord was saying we would be flying off that night itself. If I were to use my mind to analyse that, I knew it was impossible, as everything was in chaos, and we can't even call the airport. All the telephone lines were dead. In my mind, even if we were to reach the airport, it was near to the sea and, "What if another attack hit?" We would be facing again what we faced earlier. Being up in the mountain is not the safest place to be either. Should there be an after shock, the mountain will likely give way and cause another major collapse. I obeyed what I felt the Lord said to me and told my sister. My sister then prayed to the Lord and said, "Lord, if it is Your will for us to leave", there has to be someone who can pray and intercede for us. So I asked if I could call our Pastor, and she agreed. We both walked towards the house entrance and asked the owner's permission to use their phone.

We were blessed that we still had our passports and money, as we had stuffed those in a waist pouch. We knew that we could pay the owner on the telephone charges made by us. I believe it was the favour from the Lord that the local owner not only allowed us to used their phone, they even offered us to take a rest in their place. They told us to shower, provided us with dry clothes, gave us food to eat, provided us with new blankets, and even gave us a mattress and pillow so we could be more comfortable. We were the only two among the many foreignersthat were given such treatment by that owner. The rest of the victimswere left waiting and camping along the roadside.The two hours after shock never came and time passed. We were still waiting.

It was already 6:00 p.m. The locals told us that the airport is opened. My sister was feeling uneasy; she felt that we should leavethe island. But we wanted to hear from the Lord. We knew God can giveus instruction. So we prayed in agreement and prayed in tongues. Again I felt the Lord was saying something to me. I felt that the Lord was saying we would be flying off that night itself. If I were to use my mind to analyse that, I knew it was impossible, as everything was in chaos, and we can't even call the airport. All the telephone lines were dead. In my mind, even if we were to reach the airport, it was near to the sea and, "What if another attack hit?" We would be facing again what we faced earlier. Being up in the mountain is not the safest place to be either. Should there be an after shock, the mountain will likely give way and cause another major collapse. Iobeyed what I felt the Lord said to me and told my sister. My sister then prayed to the Lord and said, "Lord, if it is Your will for us to let someone be the confirmation" We continued praying. At 11:00 p.m., the phone rang and it was Pastor Vernon. June asked Pastor and told him about our plan.

Pastor mentioned that during his prayer he also felt the Lord wanted us to leave the island as soon aspossible. That was the confirmation and we asked the owner's son to take us to the airport immediately.We reached the airport at 12:30 a.m. There was only a handful of people. None of the victims were seen in the airport except June and I. Nobody knew what had happened to us and we proceed to asked if there were any tickets to Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. There wasn't, obviously, but the lady told us there was a plane leaving to Bangkok in half an hour's time. We looked at eachother ~ we were very surprised and quickly purchased two tickets to Bangkok. We arrived at Bangkok airport at 3:00 a.m. I noticed that the flight that we were in was a delayed flight from Phuket which wasmeant to fly off at 7:45 p.m. I had a look of disbelief and deepwithin me I knew that the Lord must have waited for us to board thatplane. Again I was totally amazed with the Lord's timing and His plan for us to leave the island. Again I had learned another lesson fromthe Lord. When HE gives you instruction ~ don't think how, just do it! Everything is possible according to HIS will.We both returned safely to Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12:00p.m. on 27th December 2004. HE is truly an awesome GOD, and HE is alive, and HIS words are real. I don't regret going through the disaster, as it has made me a stronger person, and my faith in the Lord has definitely soared higher.....higher than the tidal wave for sure. Thank you all for your kind concerns, your sms and your calls. GodBless you always.~ Chung Eng Lee(Petaling Jaya, Malaysia).


21 January 2005---A Science Story

This account begins at about 1:25 a.m. on Friday. I have a lot to think about. But rather than ramble about things in my life that really aren't all that important, I'll stick with what is in the subject heading.

I read in Yahoo Science News about an incredible scientific finding. Evolutionary scientific theory states that the ability of present species of modern animals and birds to develop was not able to occur until after the destruction of the dinosaurs, which most scientists estimate to be about 65 million years ago, again, according to evolutionary theory. However, the study of the big aviary (bird) fossil from Antarctica called Archeopteryx, found in 1992, has resulted in the research team studying it saying that the species found in the fossil lived at least 150 million years ago. The team, that was both from North Carolina State University (USA) and the Argentine Antarctica Institute, determined also that the fossil is that of a modern cousin of Anatidae, which is the water fowl species that includes ducks. It is therefore an easy deduction to say that modern mammals and birds/fowl lived and could develop with the microevolutionary process (change and natural selection within species) that even people who believe in Creationism and Intelligent Design accept as fact.

The discovery shows that the destruction of dinosaurs by a catastrophe, possibly by a massive meteorite that caused huge floods and a resulting Ice Age, did not destroy all fully-developed life on earth at the time. But how could any oxygen-breathing life survive a sudden catastrophe which would take down such huge, powerful beings as the dinosaurs? More very smart, very respected men/women of science believe in the Biblical account of Noah's Ark as a plausible explanation. I'll forward you some links to a really good website that has a collection of such scientists and thinkers.

The story as found in Yahoo can be reached by clicking this link:

The link to the website for one of the leading organizations advocating the scientific basis for a Biblical explanation for natural phenomena is: www.answersingenesis.org .


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

On Immigration to the USA--19 January 2005

The publicity that has been circulating around the world is that the USA has tightened its rules for new immigrants and visitors so much, that the numbers have been going down, and that huge numbers have been looking elsewhere to study or work.

However, I just read a very long article in Immigration Law Weekly (ILW.com), by Steven Camarota of the Institute for Immigration Policy Reform, that confirmed what the U.S. Census had found: during the last 4 years, 2000-2004, the number of foreign-born people living in the United States increased by 4.3 million, to 34.5 million. That is the largest increase over a 4-year period in U.S. history, and the number is the largest living in the U.S. in American history as well. In fact, the percentage of foreign-born people living in the U.S. is at 12 percent, the highest in over 80 years. And while the number includes those coming illegally from Mexico, the number of students, skilled workers, and others immigrating into the USA is also increasing again, after a brief drop for a couple of years after 9-11.

The biggest reason for this continued inflow of people here is the fact that the U.S. immigration system is slowly beginning to improve its work in processing applications of people to come here. And in most categories, the numbers of people allowed to come are either unchanged or increased. And the number of international tourists in the U.S. are now even surpassing the former record year of 2000.

So if you are interested, or someone close to you, is interested in coming to the USA, I am happy to talk to you. You can message me back here on this blog, or e-mail me at FJ.Fernandez@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon. I'll be back in a couple of days.

---Floyd F.

19 January 2005---I am an advocate--I've decided

Hello, hello, hello. I am so busy, this is rather frustrating, because I really enjoy hearing back from everybody. Anyway, I am having to try to keep up with what's going on in the world (it's part of my work as a lawyer/budding journalist/spiritual advocate.

Oh, you probably ask, what's a spiritual advocate? Well, those who are deeply steeped in Christian tradition would call a person like me a preacher, evangelist, minister, or general religious fanatic or indoctrinator (depends on whether you like guys like me). Oh, well, I decided, not too long ago, to either to call myself a teacher(which I've done before), or this other name. I don't know, but I think I like this one title better. A teacher has students, who are usually in full agreement with him, absorbing information they have generally already decided to accept.

But an advocate, like lawyers or public speakers or columnists, are typically trying to convince people with whom they disagree that their point of view is correct. If the advocate is both skillful and friendly-personable in his approach, he succeeds in winning some to his positions, and at least provokes others to think critically and seriously about their own beliefs. Often it is the first time that people take a close look at the assumptions they have long held, perhaps from earliest childhood. The advocate is also, if he/she is wise, a good listener. He/she is not afraid to hear the challenges lodged to his own faith and values by those who take issue with him. And indeed, if he is a good advocate, he has already taken the time to seriously examine and question his own assumptions and positions.

And one other thing is critical to his success. He has to be freely willing to be a friend to those with whom he disagrees. Friendship is to be based upon character, not upon agreement or disagreement. We have all seen the sad result of an argument with someone who cannot tolerate other points of view besides his own---hate, bitterness, broken relationships, lost forever, even violence. A friend is someone who does not set agreement on all points of view as a precondition for his companionship. And that is something I try to live by.

Knowing my own life, I think I may be able to fit into that mold. I don't know how good I may be, but I'll try. So, I'll be up front with you. I have definite opinions, beliefs, in fact, I would say, strong convictions. It will be in all my links, my articles, my reviews. But friendship will always be a prime motivator for me. Even in the business and legal items that I present and the opportunities I inform you about, I will always keep an open hand and a sincere smile before you.

Well, I will be away for a couple of days. I have lots of work to do in the way of preparing reports and forms that I have to file each year to the government on behalf of my small non-profit organization. But I'll be back at the end of the week, and I'll be writing away. I wish you all a great rest of the week, and I pray for your health and safety. Don't forget the tragic victims of the tsunami.

Also, I have a friend named Vidushi from Guyana. I have just heard from her that they are having mudslides and floods, and part of her house was damaged. Those of you who have a faith in God, please pray for her. And if anyone has a similar problem situation in your life, and you want prayer, e-mail me and let me know.Take care, God bless. Adios.

--Floyd F.