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Thursday, February 10, 2005

10 February 2005--3 a.m.

Well, for anyone who is ever going to read this post, it is coming to you at a time when Gail and I seem to work harder than we ever have, yet, for less. But I refuse to be bitter. It is said truly that one is perfected by suffering, one learns through what is suffered obedience to God's purpose for their life. I am not going to try to debate with anyone about religion or non-religion. I am not concerned about religion. I almost never attend church anymore anyway. Though we are devout Christians, Gail and I spend our Sundays simply worshipping together, discussing what truths we have learned that are most on our minds.

I don't really like what goes on in the religious world. That includes what passes for Christianity. I am not as old as many, but I have already seen enough. And it is only exceeded by what I have witnessed by all the other faiths. And that includes the faith of atheism. For them, their disdain for faith in the Supreme One is just a smokescreen to be arrogant in their professed rationality and self-reliance, while refusing to face the fact that nobody lives their life believing as though they don't matter, or there is no future for them, or that they don't need anybody else in their life. My goodness, anytime someone goes to market and purchases a bottle of milk they show that they depend upon someone they can't see for their survival. Why is it strange to believe that One is greater than us who makes us all and loves us all? That should be rational to accept, irregardless of whether evolutionary theory has credibility in explaining the origin of the universe and of man.

But as to suffering. I am dealing each day with the fact that I never have enough time to even start what I need to do, or so it seems. And the lack of money in our home is probably as oppressive for us right now as it has ever been. But I recognize the greater suffering of others: the victims of the tsunami jumps out at you so dramatically; the suffering of those living under political or religious oppression; the masses of people dying of AIDS, or living with HIV; the struggle of those in a poverty far greater than mine.

I just read several articles today in the Wall Street Journal that have to do with suffering and courage. Two of them stand out. One was the editiorial commenting on the new report by the U.N. investigation on the Iraqi Oil for Food scandal engaged in by Saddam Hussein and many guilty people around the world, and within the U.N.'s highest leadership. The amount found to have been stolen from the children of Iraq turns out to be worse with each report: now amounting to at least $100 billion. Unimaginable, taking that wealth, knowing that children would die by the hundreds of thousands.

The second article was written by Peggy Noonan, who is a senior columnist for the Wall Street Journal, and who has served as speech writer and advisor for U.S. President's Reagan and both George H.W. Bush and the present President Bush, during his campaign. She commented upon the suffering during the declining health of Pope John Paul II. Noonan recalled when she attended a papal audience 18 months ago, when she beheld him conducting a service while suffering advanced Parkinson's disease. The comment she made that impressed me was that John Paul was a symbol, that even those who suffer, who appear ugly, or deformed, who live under terrible limitations, all have value, inestimable value. That God does not discard anyone. I have always been a great admirer of the pope, though I have never been, nor ever will be a Roman Catholic. Ms. Noonan's article catches the soul of the man, and what God uses his suffering to teach us quite poignantly.

If you want to look at the Oil for Food column, click here. If you want to read the Peggy Noonan column article about Pope John Paul II, called 'Victim Soul,' click here .
I have more to want to blog about, but I'll have to call it off for now. They'll be about more mundane subjects, like things that I hope will pay the bills. Later amigos. Bye and God bless.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

9 February 2005---12:25 a.m.

Hi. I hope that this day has been a good one for you. I have been dealing with one really strange day. It is always hard when someone who was supposed to be dependable and faithful to you isn't. This person has been a friend for quite a few years, but today, well, I found out just how much "feet of clay" that person had. No, no names, not even a gender. But amigo, you know who you are. I hope that I am guilty of misunderstanding your motives, or what may be happening to you right now. But it doesn't look good, not at all.

In the meantime, I am going on. There is a lot of opportunity for me, and in fact, maybe too much. I'm learning that it is important to stay focused on a few things. So here goes....

TRIBULATION: THE LAST SEVEN YEARS (A Story of The End of the Age of Man).

I am going to begin with the setting. It will be centered upon the titanic struggle between Satan and God for control of the universe, in particular the earth, and most especially the hearts and souls of mankind living in the first third of the 21st century. Many deny that this struggle exists, or that the principals exist, and all but a few completely misunderstand it. Even those who profess faith and worship God as Christians either misunderstand it, or just don't want to be bothered knowing about it. But understand this: Jesus of Nazereth and Lucifer the banished angel, whom the world knows as Satan, are about to cross swords in the ultimate last war.

In this book, based upon the biblical predictions made in the Bible's books of Revelation of the New Testament, and the Old Testament books of Daniel, Ezekiel, and other biblical writers, the depiction of the final seven years of man's existence take place. At least of man's existence in a state of separation from God and need for redemption through Jesus called Christ. For this is a war that will affect everybody who lives in the universe, and I do mean everybody. Angels, demons, redeemed human beings and those who have rejected Jesus' as Savior, everyone plays a role. No one is exempt.

Unlike some other well known book series' that have sold in the tens of millions, there is noone who is somehow going to escape the fiery trial of The Tribulation. There is noone who will be termed 'left behind' by the biblically-predicted event called "The Rapture." That is a special day, and a wonderful one it will be. But those who have predicted a deliverance for believers prior to the years of trial are, simply put, mistaken. Believers will be called upon to struggle, right along with those who don't. But before the end of those seven years, when men and women of faith have learned to stand together against the greatest evil of all, and defeat it, that great day of deliverance shall come, to clearly vindicate the faith that so many have sincerely, though imperfectly clung to.

For it is the story of the victory 'that overcomes the world', the victory of faith in Jesus Christ. While it is a time that will witness death struggles of war, genocide, maniacal wickedness, inhumanity beyond imagination, the temporary triumph of technology and the machine over humanity, it will be, in the end, the story of humility and love triumphing over all the savagery of Satan himself. Indeed, this book will show very ordinary people doing extraordinary things, of bravery, wisdom, and power.

I am reminded of an ancient Chinese proverb, which I read on the wall of a lawyer's office many years ago. I may not quote it accurately, but it is basically like this: "Evil will be allowed by Good to strike it, like a serpent, again and again, with all of its venom, until after patient endurance, Good shall suddenly strike with a poison that is unknown to Evil, a poison it can never withstand." In Tribulation, the ability of free men/women to fight ferociously and victoriously over slavery and evil will be demonstrated, even over the Man of Sin himself. As is predicted by Daniel, "They who know their God shall firmly resist him."

Tribulation will, as are the best of books about historical occurrences, focus on those whom everyone will recognize as great or infamous, but not as much as those who will not be known but to a few, and to God. The heart of the book will be on Jesus Himself, a small circle of warrior angels, on Satan, his closest advisors in crime, on the AntiChrist, and on a small cast of men and women who will be known for their faith....and for their cunning.

And in particular upon one young couple. They are not known among their fellows in their church for any particular piety, nor for overt religious activity. They are striking in their beauty, but so much so that they are even considered not truly devoted in their faith by many who think they know them. And they are two people who appear to be caught up in the world of high tech and high finance. What is not known to all but a few, is one fact, that they are agents of U.S. Defense Intelligence. And known to even less, is another, they both are possessed of a rare and incredible insight into men's souls. They are prophets, with the gifts of the word of knowledge and the discernment of spirits. And as such, they are among the most spiritual of men and women. Charles and Deborah Wellington: he, the direct descendent of the Duke of Wellington, the conqueror of Napoleon at Waterloo; Deborah Lee Wellington, the descendant of Robert E. Lee, the Southern Arthur, are like two futuristic knights. The world will be changed forever by them.


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

8 February 2005--4 a.m.

Here I am, days late. I am frustrated with myself, more than I can ever express. But onward I go. I have way too many things to do, and far too little time to engage in it. Well, I will just have to promise myself to blog with a little more knowledge to it later today, I am entirely too exhausted to think. Except for one thing: I had the chance to read in Orkut.com a lot of people in a United Nations network group, discussing America's future. It is also frustrating, because even the reference of myself as an American is offensive to some. Interesting to read about the frame of reference of others. Well, I'm still an American, bleeding red-white-and-blue, that won't go away, and shouldn't (after all, I'm a confirmed red-stater who voted for Bush--twice). But a little respectfulness when around some people in areas of the world who don't want to sacrifice their identity, their self-respect, is certainly called for. So around some people from South America, Mexico, etc., I just alter it to "I'm an American-USA." May seem a little awkward, but seeing the changed attitude of quite a few people south of the border, to where they're willing to befriend me makes it worth it.

Well, I'm gone. Need my sleep. Will say more tomorrow, after I've done some decent research. Adios.