A place to talk and find out about opportunities in the global business marketplace.

Monday, April 11, 2005

11 April 2005--Wasted Sunday.

Other than a good conversation with Gail out at the Chula Vista Center mall, which is walking distance from our house, about better organizing our business activities, today was a wash. I cannot continue to be constantly sidetracked. I am going to stop that....today.

Beginning right now, I am going to end going on one fruitless activity after another. People deserve more out of me than what I am giving them. I am done with wasting my time and my life. So, here is what I'm going to do. First, set up my chat function on Yahoo. Second, go research in online newspapers, journals, appropriate webblogs, and websites of interest to me in the following areas: 1) Christian spirituality; 2) Immigration law; 3) Import-export business; 4) Intellectual property law; 5) International relations/politics. I will learn all I can, and then I will use it. Third, I will blog. I will probably set up messages 2-4 times a day. And it will be on one blog---this one. I will, fourthly, engage in finding links to fill up the blog, and will get affiliate memberships to use to make money. I will also use my non-profit organization's status to make into a sponsor for my legal activities, as a Christian advocate, and get donations for my work...on with PayPal and credit cards. I will also be searching, through reverse search, for links to law firms and businesses that fit my webblog. I already have some inquiries, through Multiply, hi5, MySpace, and Orkut. I will get their businesses, and plant them on the blog site. I will seek to gain a commission from them, like with Amazon....we'll see how it goes.

Well, enough of my determined rant for the day. At least it was a drop-dead gorgeous day. But I had to get down my thoughts on how I'm changing my whole approach to work on the 'Net, beginning now. I feel so much better.



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