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Thursday, April 14, 2005

14 April--1:10 a.m.

While I've read some really interesting articles on things ranging from exposes on evolutionary scientific research which has been shown a fraud (Neanderthal Man not coexisting with modern man); fascinating new technologies that are transforming banking highlighted in the interview with the founders of Zopa.com; the story about the Genographic Project, run by National Geographic, which will identify the DNA footprint of all people traced back 100,000 years (as evolutionists understand modern man's development to have been); I'm kind of bummed out. I'm not making any money, or doing any good with this blog.

I'm not happy, and I want a change. I don't know what to do, but I don't want to do something that involves being in the proverbial wilderness. So, I won't anymore. I'm going to do something about it....now.

Later. Just watch.


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