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Friday, January 21, 2005

21 January 2005---A Science Story

This account begins at about 1:25 a.m. on Friday. I have a lot to think about. But rather than ramble about things in my life that really aren't all that important, I'll stick with what is in the subject heading.

I read in Yahoo Science News about an incredible scientific finding. Evolutionary scientific theory states that the ability of present species of modern animals and birds to develop was not able to occur until after the destruction of the dinosaurs, which most scientists estimate to be about 65 million years ago, again, according to evolutionary theory. However, the study of the big aviary (bird) fossil from Antarctica called Archeopteryx, found in 1992, has resulted in the research team studying it saying that the species found in the fossil lived at least 150 million years ago. The team, that was both from North Carolina State University (USA) and the Argentine Antarctica Institute, determined also that the fossil is that of a modern cousin of Anatidae, which is the water fowl species that includes ducks. It is therefore an easy deduction to say that modern mammals and birds/fowl lived and could develop with the microevolutionary process (change and natural selection within species) that even people who believe in Creationism and Intelligent Design accept as fact.

The discovery shows that the destruction of dinosaurs by a catastrophe, possibly by a massive meteorite that caused huge floods and a resulting Ice Age, did not destroy all fully-developed life on earth at the time. But how could any oxygen-breathing life survive a sudden catastrophe which would take down such huge, powerful beings as the dinosaurs? More very smart, very respected men/women of science believe in the Biblical account of Noah's Ark as a plausible explanation. I'll forward you some links to a really good website that has a collection of such scientists and thinkers.

The story as found in Yahoo can be reached by clicking this link:

The link to the website for one of the leading organizations advocating the scientific basis for a Biblical explanation for natural phenomena is: www.answersingenesis.org .



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