A place to talk and find out about opportunities in the global business marketplace.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

22 January 2005---My business---Invitation to Trinity Trading Imports website.

I have been looking at the different e-mail stories, and news stories on all sorts of different online news services. It's been a slow day, but actually, that's ok. My wife and I have spent a lot of time just working. I'm trying to build a new business, actually we've been working on it for over a year. I've told you about it before, it's the business selling for non-U.S. companies on the Internet. It's a lot of Chinese furniture, and while you may not be able to afford it, maybe you know someone who can, and who would love to buy some of these great products. At any rate, check it out.

Here's the website:

If you look at it, and you want to contact me, just send an email to this address:


I have to go to this business conference with Gail tomorrow, not fun. But Gail being with me is. Besides we may get a chance to raise some venture capital for our businesses from this conference. I'll be praying for help on that. Well, got to go. It's almost 3 a.m. There will be more to say tomorrow, I hope. Adios for now. Let me know how you're doing. We love to chat, or write messages to friends all the time. God bless.

---Floyd F.



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