A place to talk and find out about opportunities in the global business marketplace.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome Back to the Biz

I am taking this little ship out of moth balls. I will be discussing everything from business matters to what I think is happening with markets in different countries, to developments in science with commercial applications, to new commercial opportunities in which I will invite people to participate. That applies to new at-home business activities in which I am involved. I will also be discussing business-related international law and its present developments. I will also include links to business sites and new opportunities that would be of benefit to anyone reading me.

I am working on about four or five different projects, and as I evolve in my abilities in those areas, I'll be revealing more about them and their desirability for everyone I contact, including you. Let's see what happens. Ciao.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

11 May 2006

Hi, everyone. The move is made, about 30 miles to the north. A lot of work around our new home, but we're glad to be here. Well, it's late. More to say tomorrow. Ciao for now.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Well, here I am. My passion the last two weeks has been the Olympics, and my wife is wondering when I ever do any work at all. Well, I am working, and it involves keeping this little activity alive. When I see so many people from all over the world together in one place, doing something besides war or hate, it's a real blessing to me. I mean, I sometimes wonder what it will be like, in heaven, where it says in the Bible that "the nations will bring their glory into the Holy City." And when I see the nations coming in during the Opening Ceremonies, I think about that, and my imagination takes flight, of a day yet to come, the day of universal peace.

But I also think about the people from many of those same nations which Gail and I have befriended over the last eight years, since we started our service organization. We have been so anxious to travel, to visit so many of their home cities, it hurts that circumstances have prevented us and time has gone by so much. But we have plans to change that. Rio de Janeiro, Bangalore, Imphal, Istanbul, Osaka, Pusan, Seoul, Zhuhai, Guangzhong, Beijing, Nanjiang, Sao Paulo, Paris, Jerusalem, Perth, Quebec. So many places, and we need to see them all.

And we have things we would like to do there. There are more business opportunities than I have time to tell about, that have to do with each individual city. I imagine that there are lots of small businesses, just waiting to be introduced to the world, with products and ideas that would be of benefit and enjoyment for multitudes.

So, that's what I'll work on, bringing buyers and sellers together, with a little bit of a personal touch. I won't necessarily vouch for every business that I would advertise----let the buyer or seller beware. But I'll be talking up businesses that I think may be interesting to the people that may check me out. I hope that this project works.

Here we go....


Saturday, January 14, 2006

I don't know what the link is, but I'm letting you know, it's a new day, and a new name, get ready to see that. I'll explain later. Yes, I'm back. Let's go. Hasta la vista.

Monday, April 18, 2005

18 April--4 am.

I am still trying to get a way to be able to do good work, and not blow my life in the process. I am still having a problem posting links on the side of my webblog. I'm pretty frustrated. But then agian, I am pretty tired. I'll be back. Just try to load on the right side, that's all I am trying to get my links on.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

14 April--1:10 a.m.

While I've read some really interesting articles on things ranging from exposes on evolutionary scientific research which has been shown a fraud (Neanderthal Man not coexisting with modern man); fascinating new technologies that are transforming banking highlighted in the interview with the founders of Zopa.com; the story about the Genographic Project, run by National Geographic, which will identify the DNA footprint of all people traced back 100,000 years (as evolutionists understand modern man's development to have been); I'm kind of bummed out. I'm not making any money, or doing any good with this blog.

I'm not happy, and I want a change. I don't know what to do, but I don't want to do something that involves being in the proverbial wilderness. So, I won't anymore. I'm going to do something about it....now.

Later. Just watch.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Early morning again--1:15 a.m.

I have been on a running date with the IRS, preparing tax reports and returns for both ministry and personal income. I am not getting to do much. I will need to do better than this. I'm going to be up in a few hours, and there will be more.

Not much to say right now. Need to do more research. Will do it tomorrow, or should I say today? Of course, today. Adios for now.