A place to talk and find out about opportunities in the global business marketplace.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hello, this is the First One.

Well, this is a birth of a new baby. I guess that's what I'm calling my blogs. One for spirituality, that's www.Re-Intro.blogger.com. One for the law that I still try to stay involved with, that's www.1LoneStar.blogger.com. One for just a combination of business--human rights--current issues, etc., that's what you may have seen before--CafeShiloh.blogger.com.

But here is my youngest, and I think, my gateway drug. Hi, this is about keeping things light, positive, fun, and emphasizing friendship first. There is more than enough bad news, serious news, controversial news. This is just about being part of a human family. Gail and I have met so many different kinds of people, we just can't get enough, and we can't talk to all of our acquaintances and friends often enough. But we'll try.

Example of what I'm talking about? Well, here's one. I had no idea that there was such beautiful resort properties in places like Honduras, or places that can be bought for cheap money in Vanuatu in the Pacific. I have been reading about that on the Washington Post, they have a travel page. I'm going to be working on that. Well, I hope to use that as an excuse to get Gail and I traveling as we get the money to do so. I'll be putting links to articles like that over the next few days.

Well, I have to go. Take care, and send me your link, if you have a blog. Or just e-mail us. One of our most exciting and brightening moments is when we see your messages. I'll be reopening our chat pages on ICQ, Yahoo, and MSN, closed for the last two weeks, so I hope to start talking with you guys, especially with audio chat.

Take care. God bless.


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